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Theater Audition and Interview Registration

因为戏剧学院在审查的过程中会考虑艺术天赋, 攻读美术学士(BFA)专业的学生必须参加面试, interview, 和/或提交其他材料以供入学和奖学金考虑. BFA applicants who do 不 audition, interview, 和/或提交其他材料,但被大学录取的学生将被录取为戏剧文学学士. 攻读戏剧专业文学学士学位(BA)的申请人不需要试镜, interview, or submit additional materials, 尽管我们强烈鼓励他们参加奖学金面试.

Performance BFA Major Auditions

Acting | Musical Theater

申请博鳌亚洲论坛戏剧表演专业的学生必须参加该专业的面试. 未完成此步骤但被大学录取的申请人将获得戏剧学士学位.

Audition Dates & Registration

All scheduled auditions for fall 2024 have concluded. Please email Jessica Fox at foxj5@俄亥俄州.edu to schedule a不her audition time.

Audition requirements: Acting



  • 独白必须出自2000年以后出版的戏剧.
  • Monologues can不 be from musicals, television shows, 电影, 独立的独白集或一人表演.
  • They should contrast in style, 揭示学生能力的两面性,成为贴近学生年龄的人物.
  • Each monologue should be 60-90 seconds in length.

Audition requirements: Musical Theater


Prepare two contrasting pieces.

  • 一首是民谣,一首是快节奏的,这样可以对比风格.
  • Each song should be 60-90 seconds. Please do 不 exceed this time limit.
  • 学生必须在音乐伴奏下唱歌,这可能包括现场或预先录制的伴奏. 没有“a cappella”演唱(意思是没有音乐的演唱).

Prepare one piece.

  • 独白必须出自2000年以后出版的戏剧.
  • Monologue can不 be from a musical, television show, 移动, stand-alone monologue collection or one-person show.
  • Monologue should be 60-90 seconds in length.



Students may also choose to submit an optional dance video to supplement their audition. 参赛作品最多可包括以下每项中的一项:

  1. A dance video that adheres to the following guidelines:
    • Regardless of which style of dance you execute, 舞蹈编排和动作应该是故事驱动的,并与音乐联系在一起,应聘者带着一种目的感跳舞.
    • 30-60秒的舞蹈,选择你觉得最自信的舞蹈形式. This may include, but is 不 limited to jazz, 芭蕾舞, 利用, 现代, cultural dance styles, 嘻哈, 抒情, or contemporary.
    • No barre work. A 芭蕾舞 solo is acceptable.
    • 请使用你熟悉并能很好执行的步骤、动作和身体词汇.
    • 舞蹈媒体可以自行编排,但必须是你的个人视频. This can include a show, competition, 或者其他表演,只要你有自己的特色.
    • All choreography must be performed to music; no “a cappella” dance media please.
  2. A wildcard video 这展示了你想让我们知道的任何事情:一项特殊技能, an interesting story about yourself, a passion speech, an instrument that you play, 等. Wildcard videos should 不 exceed 60 seconds. 


Playwriting | Production Design & Technology | St年龄 Man年龄ment

所有美术学士(BFA)专业都需要与教师进行面试才能进入该课程. 有些专业还需要补充申请材料. 有关提交材料和注册面试的更多具体要求和细节,请参阅下文.

Materials Submission and Interview Registration

Interview registration

2024年秋季的所有校内面试已经结束. Please email Jessica Fox at foxj5@俄亥俄州.edu to schedule a不her interview time.

Materials Submission

参加制作设计需要补充材料 & technology and playwriting majors. 选修舞台管理专业的学生可选择补充材料.

Submit supplementary materials

Requirements: Production Design and Technology

  1. Interview: 面试的目的是为你提供一个了解戏剧教师的机会,并了解更多关于戏剧学院的课程和机会. During your interview, 你将谈论你的工作,并与我们分享你的大想法和目标.
  2. Portfolio: Submit a portfolio of work. In addition to light plots, costume renderings, set designs, painters elevations, photographs, or slides of any theatrical work you have done, your portfolio can include: sk等hes, 图纸, paintings, 涂鸦, 诗歌, short stories, or coll年龄s. 简而言之, 包括任何你创造的代表你的审美和/或你的创作冲动的东西.

Requirements: Playwriting

  1. Interview: 面试的目的是为你提供一个了解戏剧教师的机会,并了解更多关于戏剧学院的课程和机会. During your interview, 你将谈论你的工作,并与我们分享你的大想法和目标.
  2. Writing sample: 提交至少10页的写作样本(最多不超过30页). 虽然戏剧写作样本通常是首选, 写作样本可以是任何你认为最能代表你作为艺术家的声音的创造性写作或学术/学术写作.

Requirements: St年龄 Man年龄ment


Interview: 面试的目的是为你提供一个了解戏剧教师的机会,并了解更多关于戏剧学院的课程和机会. During your interview, 你将谈论你的工作,并与我们分享你的大想法和目标.


Creative resume: Submit a creative resume, which should list all appropriate high school and, if applicable, community experience. 如果你有生产手册,你可以带一本,但这不是必须的. You may also bring a portfolio of other production work you have done; anything that represents your experience with st年龄 production is appropriate.

BA Major Interview

我们鼓励申请戏剧文学学士专业的学生参加面试,以获得奖学金. An interview is 不 require for admission to the BA program.

Interview Registration

2024年秋季的所有校内面试已经结束. Please email Jessica Fox at foxj5@俄亥俄州.edu to schedule a不her interview time.

Interview Requirements

戏剧文学学士奖学金的面试旨在为您提供一个了解戏剧教师的机会,并了解更多关于戏剧学院的课程和机会. 在你的面试中,你将与我们分享你的大想法和目标.


有关戏剧试镜或材料提交的问题, email Jessica Fox他是美术学院招聘部副主任.

Ohio University operates on a holistic, 在审查入学申请时,有选择性地审查和寻找学术准备的证据. Additionally, 因为戏剧学院在审查过程中会考虑艺术天赋, 攻读某些学术课程的学生必须参加面试, interview, 和/或提交其他材料以供入学和奖学金考虑. newbb电子平台和戏剧学院不会因为种族歧视任何申请者, color, religion, 年龄, national origin, ethnicity, national ancestry, 性, pregnancy, 性别, 性别 identity or expression, 性ual orientation, military service or veteran status, mental or physical disability, or genetic information.