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Gary Edward Holcomb

Gary Edward Holcomb, portrait
Professor & Chair
Bentley Annex 311, Athens Campus


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Literary scholar unearths Harlem Renaissance novel


Ph.D., English, Washington State University, 1995

M.A., English, California State University, Long Beach, 1988

B.A., English, CSULB, 1984


加里·霍尔科姆的研究主要集中在哈莱姆文艺复兴时期, 他的大部分研究和写作都是关于激进诗人的, fiction writer, and memoirist Claude McKay. Holcomb’s first book, 克劳德·麦凯,代号萨沙:黑人酷儿马克思主义和哈莱姆文艺复兴 (University Press of Florida, 2007), 被广泛认为是现代主义文学的奠基之作, queer, left, and Black transnational studies. Reviews appeared in such journals as American Literary History, African American Review, American Literature, Callaloo, and GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies. 霍尔科姆最近关于麦凯的文章发表在9月11日的《newbb电子平台》上, 2023, Los Angeles Review of Books: "热情、机智与愤怒:克劳德·麦凯的黑人酷儿现代主义."

Holcomb and Brooks E. Hefner, James Madison University, are currently co-editing Claude McKay: The Letters in Exile, forthcoming from Yale University Press in Spring 2025. 继承了许多现代主义时期的主要人物,并从美国派遣, France, Morocco, the United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, and Spain, the Jamaican émigré author’s probing, impassioned, 坦诚的信件肯定会丰富一系列关键领域. The American Legation in Tangier 邀请霍尔科姆帮助组织一个展览,并于2023年11月在摩洛哥城市讲述麦凯的岁月. And in December, The Banjo Society-Claude McKay 艾克斯-马赛大学(Aix-Marseille university)的教授将邀请霍尔科姆就这些信件发表演讲 Colloque Claude McKay: Passage and Crossings 在法国马赛,麦凯生活过的另一个城市,并以他的两部小说为背景.

大约在1929-1933年,霍尔科姆花了将近二十年的时间将麦凯未发表的作品付印 Romance in Marseille. 在大萧条时期,曼哈顿的主要出版商拒绝了这部革命小说,主要原因是它的性启蒙意象. At long last, in 2018, he and co-editor William J. Maxwell, Washington University, St. 路易斯,与企鹅兰登书屋签约编辑手稿. 霍尔科姆和麦克斯韦尔用广泛的学术介绍和注释补充了企鹅经典, informed by a wide range of published and archival materials, with McKay’s letters playing the key role. New York University’s Glucksman Ireland House hosted a book release celebration in February 2020. Available in trade paperback, ebook, and audiobook, Romance in Marseille 在全球范围内卖出了15000本以上的书和2000本电子书.

Romance in Marseille’s publication was a national phenomenon. The New York Times 印刷了几篇文章来庆祝它的到来,包括艺术部分的预览,”一本如此超前的书,花了87年才找到出版商,” and feature, “企鹅经典和其他作品,从佳能多样化的产品.” A full-page analysis appeared in The New York Times Book Review, and the Penguin was selected for the NYTBR’s Editor’s Choice/Staff Picks. 其他曼哈顿媒体称赞这部小说对泛非主义者的开创性刻画, disabled, and LGBTQ+ countercultures include The New York Review of Books, The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, and New York magazine’s “Vulture” section, where it placed third on the list of “10 Best Books of 2020.” The Washington Post普利策奖得主迈克尔·迪尔达(Michael Dirda)称赞《newbb电子平台》引起了当代读者的共鸣.

Romance in Marseille 在国际上也享有盛誉,在诸如 The Guardian, The London Review of Books, and The Sydney Morning Herald. 这部小说曾是包括BBC第三频道在内的几个BBC世界音频节目的主题 Arts & Ideas and BBC Sounds’ A Good Read. Cultural and news sites across the globe, including in Argentina, Greece, Italy, and India, also praised the book’s arrival. CBC/Radio Canada’s national interview show Q 邀请霍尔科姆详细讨论了大萧条时期的小说对当代的影响. The Jamaica Gleaner, 一个多世纪前,这份报纸称赞了麦凯的民族语言诗歌, 发表了一篇社论,声称这部小说的到来应该激发牙买加废除长期监禁的灵感, homophobic anti-sodomy law.

In academic, activist, and literary spheres, Romance in Marseille 作为黑人、酷儿、残疾人和左派研究的重要一步而受到欢迎. The Los Angeles Review of Books 摘录了两章,对霍尔科姆和麦克斯韦尔的采访出现在随后的一篇文章中 LARB issue. Academic reviews have appeared in American Literary History, American Communist History, and The Modernist Review. LGBTQ+ activist site Lambda Literary praised Romance’s progressive “pansexual” spirit. Henry Louis Gates Jr.’s recent inclusion of the novel on a select list of African American classics signifies Romance in Marseille’s entry into the African American literary canon.

当手稿准备出版时,编辑委员会 English Language Notes (ELN)邀请霍尔科姆和麦克斯韦尔客座编辑一本特刊,专门介绍这部小说的历史性发行. “Transhistoricizing Claude McKay’s Romance in Marseille文章在-à-vis非洲悲观主义等新兴关键领域中这样写道, maritime modernism, and the politics of pleasure.

对哈莱姆文艺复兴和迷惘一代作家之间的联系很感兴趣, 霍尔科姆编辑了两本关于海明威与麦凯等黑人作家之间互文交流的书, Ralph Ellison, and James Baldwin. 霍尔科姆与亚利桑那大学的查尔斯·斯克鲁格斯合作 Hemingway and the Black Renaissance (Ohio State University Press, 2012), and in 2018 he edited Teaching Hemingway and Race, part of the Kent State University Press “Teaching Hemingway” series.

Awards, Honors, and Fellowships

2023年5月,霍尔科姆组织并当选为新成立的主席 Claude McKay Society (CMKS).

newbb电子平台文理学院授予霍尔科姆2020-2021年奖项 杰出的人文学院研究、奖学金和创造性活动.

For his 2017 Faculty Fellowship Leave, 霍尔科姆专注于麦凯的信件和相关材料. 他在朔姆伯格黑人文化研究中心和耶鲁大学拜内克珍贵书籍和手稿图书馆的档案中进行了他的休假研究.

2016年,霍尔科姆被任命为国家人文基金会访问学者 Ernest J. Gaines and the Southern Experience, an NEH Summer Scholar Institute conducted in the Ernest J. Gaines Center, University of Louisiana, Lafayette.

In 2015, he was invited to be a FIRST (Faculty-In-Residence-Summer-Term) Scholar in the Department of English, University of Colorado, Boulder, where he taught a graduate course on “Queer Harlem Renaissance.”

Hemingway and the Black Renaissance was a Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries 优秀学术称号和大学出版社本科生重要称号.

克劳德·麦凯,代号萨沙:黑人酷儿马克思主义和哈莱姆文艺复兴 曾于2007年获得古斯塔夫斯·迈尔斯偏执与人权研究中心图书奖荣誉奖.

Holcomb served three Fulbright lectureships. He was twice posted as a Senior Fulbright Lecturer in American Studies in Romania: at the University of Bucharest for the academic year of 1998-1999; and at A.I. Cuza University, Iași, for 2004-2005. He was Senior Fulbright Specialist, Department of American Studies, Dresden Technical University, Germany, in 2006.


Co-editor, with Brooks E. Hefner. “Claude McKay: The Letters in Exile.” Forthcoming with Yale University Press, 2025.

Co-editor, with William J. Maxwell. Romance in Marseille, by Claude McKay. Penguin Random House, 2020.

Editor. Teaching Hemingway and Race. Kent State University Press, 2018.

Co-editor, with Charles Scruggs. Hemingway and the Black Renaissance. Ohio State University Press, 2012.

克劳德·麦凯,代号萨沙:黑人酷儿马克思主义和哈莱姆文艺复兴. University Press of Florida, 2007.

Guest-Edited Journal Special Issues

Co-editor, with William J. Maxwell. “Transhistoricizing Claude McKay’s Romance in Marseille.” Special issue of English Language Notes (ELN) 59.1 (April 2021). Duke University Press.

Co-editor, with Cheryl Higashida and Aaron Lecklider. “Sexing the Left.” Special issue of ELN 53.1 (Spring/Summer 2015). University of Colorado Press.


Langston Hughes’s 1930s Short Fiction” and “Langston Hughes as Queer Harlem Renaissance Author,” 2 chapters in Langston Hughes in Context. Ed. Vera M. Kutzinski and Anthony Reed. Cambridge University Press, 2023.

《大萧条小说,大隔离阅读:麦凯的创作 Romance in Marseille a Contemporary Classic.” New Directions in 印刷文化研究:档案、物质性和现代美国文化. Ed. Jesse Schwartz and Daniel Worden. Bloomsbury, 2022.

“Editing Claude McKay’s Romance in Marseille一部开创性的哈莱姆文艺复兴小说从档案中浮现.” Editing the Harlem Renaissance. Ed. Joshua Murray and Ross Tangedal. Clemson University Press, 2021.

With William J. Maxwell. “Transhistoricizing Claude McKay’s Romance in Marseille: Introduction to the Special Issue.” ELN 59.1 (April 2021), Duke University Press.

Courses Regularly Taught

  • AAS 1100 Introduction to African American Literature
  • 非裔美国人文学I:哈莱姆文艺复兴时期的奴隶叙事
  • 非裔美国文学II:哈莱姆文艺复兴到当代黑人文学
  • 后现代黑人:当代非裔美国文学中的身份与文化
  • AAS 3110 Harlem Renaissance