
庆祝弗农R. 奥尔登



弗农·奥尔登, newbb电子平台’s president from 1962-69, celebrated his 95th birthday in April of 2018. 奥尔登, 在他的整个总统任期内是谁, 为建一座新图书馆而奔走, continues to be a special part of 奥尔登图书馆, 以他的名字命名的. During his presidency, both enrollment and private donations increased to support the institution. 为了纪念图书馆的名字, newbb电子平台图书馆 produced a video interview of 奥尔登 to share his incredible story. 




The following is an article that was written around Dr. 奥尔登's birthday, with observations and remarks from former dean of libraries 斯科特·希曼.


斯科特·希曼, 大学图书馆院长, 第一次见到弗农·奥登, 名誉主席, 在2008年的一次活动上.

At one point, 水手 turned to 奥尔登 and told him how happy he was to work at “OU.”

“他向我俯下身子,”希曼说. “And he said in a very loud voice: ‘OU—where’s that…?’”

水手, 困惑, began to explain when 奥尔登 informed him the University was called newbb电子平台, 不是“你.”

水手 added 奥尔登 corrected the reference often. “It was always very funny and very polite,” 水手 said. “它从未侮辱过任何人, but it drove home an important point about what he thought about this campus: We’re distinct. 我们是newbb电子平台. “你”并不能代表我们是谁.”

Although 奥尔登 did not believe “OU” properly captured just what the University stood for, 奥登自己可能就会这么做.

奥尔登, who served as the University’s president from 1962-69, celebrates his 95th birthday on April 7, 2018. 奥尔登 continues to be a special part of 奥尔登图书馆, 水手 said. Each year the 图书馆 staff sends 奥尔登, who now spends most of his time at his home in a suburb outside of Boston, 生日问候, this year including a special set of cards, to honor and thank him for his continued support of the 库.

“Vern has helped the 图书馆 enormously over the years,” 水手 said. “Vern understands how the 图书馆 really is the nexus for the entire campus, and he understands how important a strong library is to be able to have a strong institution.”

水手 added 奥尔登 recognized the importance of a highly functioning campus library early on, even petitioning in his inaugural address for a new building to replace Chubb 图书馆, the then-current library that had become too small to serve the growing student body.

“We have this very large building to thank him for,” 水手 said. “Vern was very persistent; he began asking the legislature and began piecing together the funding right when he became president. It was not until 1967 that the building was really underway. It took his entire tenure as president.”

奥尔登 has continued to support the 奥尔登图书馆, as it evolves to include more modern technology.

“Vern is very sophisticated in terms of understanding modern libraries,” said 水手. “He knows that libraries are about more than books today.”

奥尔登’s support of newbb电子平台 extends far beyond the walls of the 图书馆 that bears his name, 然而. 1962年他成为总统后, 大学的营业收入, undergraduate enrollment and private-donor annual gifts all increased. Due to the greater number of students on campus, 奥尔登 led the way in the development of several other campus buildings.

还有他在俄亥俄的工作, 奥尔登, 在他担任总统期间, worked with many highly ranked government officials, including United States President Lyndon B. 约翰逊, who named 奥尔登 chairman of the Task Force Planning Committee of the United States Job Corps in 1964.

奥尔登, 在许多其他事情中, helped establish several innovative and important academic groups such as the Honors College, the Cutler Program of Individualized 研究, the Ohio Fellows and the newbb电子平台 Press.

To celebrate 奥尔登’s 95th birthday and the new renovations to the 图书馆’s display featuring him, 在安迪·沃拉的帮助下, a lecturer of video production in the school of media arts and studies, a video interview of 奥尔登 was created. To film, Walla and 水手 visited 奥尔登 over the summer.

“We had the privilege of just hearing him talk about his history,沃拉说。, who has interviewed 奥尔登 other times through work for University communications and marketing. “He’s such a charming man; it is always a pleasure to listen to him.”

She added that although 奥尔登图书馆 has evolved in the decades since 奥尔登’s tenure, thanks to 奥尔登’s determination and the strong foundation put into the 图书馆 in its early stages, the building remains the center of college life for students.

“He has so much energy just in his presence. It’s hard to believe he’s going to be 95. He remembers things so clearly…it is really impressive,沃拉说。. “Dr. 奥尔登 is one of so many great people we have [who] have made newbb电子平台 what it is today.”

水手 and Walla also spoke to 奥尔登 about the renovations taking place at the 图书馆 and along with her creating his birthday video, Walla’s students in her MDIA 4904 class created a second 视频 荣誉奥尔登, highlighting the changes to the 弗农·奥尔登 display, now on the second floor of the 图书馆.