


雅典 火 Department Responses to newbb电子平台 Campus (2007) [PDF]

A 恶意的报警 is when a person intentionally sends in a false report of a fire. This causes emergency crews (雅典 火 Department and OU Police Department) to expend time and effort in responding to a non-existing situation. 虚惊一场. It has been documented by numerous fire agencies around the country that a number of fire departments responding to false alarms have been involved in accidents while responding to such reports, which resulted in firefighters being killed or injured, and vehicles and equipment damaged. It is this kind of alarm that causes the most concern and is prosecuted whenever possible. 火fighters may be delayed in responding to a real emergency where lives are at stake. False alarms also create apathy towards real fire alarms, causing occupants to not take alarm seriously.

The fire detection systems in Ohio facilities are designed to respond to a condition of smoke and/or heat. How does a smoke detector work? When a foreign object or substance enters the inner chamber of a smoke detector, it activates the detector's sensor, which sends a signal to the fire alarm control panel and sets off the fire alarm. 然而, a smoke detector cannot distinguish the differences in smoke, 发胶, 灰尘, 昆虫, 和水.

Many fire alarm systems on campus are connected to a central receiving panel that is monitored 24 hours-a-day by the Ohio Police Department. When a fire alarm goes off in a campus building, the dispatcher immediately knows which building. Then it's a quick call to the 雅典 火 Department. Each call is taken seriously and response occurs within a few minutes. In buildings that are not connected to OUPD, we rely on building occupants to call 911 and report the alarm. An upgrade process has begun to improve many of these building's fire alarms so they will report to OUPD.

Fortunately, the cause of most fire alarms is not fire, but something else. Causes can be accidental (somebody bumping into a fire alarm device, 一名工人正在喷漆, 锯/砂木头, or welding too close to a detector), unintentional (灰尘 or 昆虫 the detector sees as smoke, or a smoke detector too close to a kitchen area, or water that leaks into a detector), mechanical (a malfunctioning system--usually when a new system is being installed, 电风暴, 或者电线有问题), or malicious (intentionally setting off the alarm). 了解更多关于 How To Live With Your 火 Alarm System [PDF].

Below is a list of common causes of fire alarms on the 俄亥俄州 Campus responded to by 雅典 火 Department:

  • 烧焦的爆米花
  • Smoke from an outside ash can set off detector inside building
  • Smoke detector activated by fog machine
  • 烟雾探测器中的污垢
  • Smoking in room or stairwell
  • Activation of a pull box (恶意的报警)
  • Burning incense in room
  • 手动拉站
  • Smoke detector, unknown cause
  • 面包机
  • 吹风机
  • 由地板缓冲器设定
  • Outside cigarette smoke entered building
  • 蜡烛火
  • 烧焦的食物
  • 探测器损坏
  • 火, curling iron left turned on
  • 在楼里吸烟
  • Freshener sprayed directly into or near smoke detector

Most of these alarms were caused by carelessness. Workers and occupants need to be more aware of what activity will likely set off a fire alarm. 在一些情况下, 然而, it was a good thing the fire alarm went off--calling attention to a situation that could have been very damaging if not caught in time.

The number of fire alarms on campus could be greatly reduced if we just pay more attention to our surroundings and what we are doing. 火 alarms disrupt campus life: classes, labs, special activities, office activity, sleep, etc. It is the goal of the 安全 Department and Facilities Management to reduce the number of fire alarms on campus through education, maintenance of alarm systems, and a smoke detector cleaning program.

Please help do your part to help reduce fire alarms.

For Residence Life staff only: 火 Alarm Incident Report [PDF]