







Jason Pina |学生事务副校长


M. 杜安·内利斯|总裁

  1. 酒精饮料:购买、供应和销售酒精饮料

    1. 大学院系, 注册校园团体 and approved users of university facilities may serve or sell alcoholic beverages on university property subject to compliance with this policy.

    2. 大学院系 may serve or sell alcoholic beverages on university property only in connection with approved business-related events or activities that promote the teaching, research, 或大学的服务使命. 经批准的与业务有关的活动或活动必须以下列其中一项为主要目的:

      1. Establishing and maintaining effective communications and relationships with persons or organizations outside the university

      2. 促进与校友的有效沟通和关系, boards, 咨询小组, 以及大学社区的其他成员

      3. 大学筹款

      4. 员工认可或发展

    3. 大学经费不得用于购买含酒精饮料. University foundation funds may be used to purchase alcoholic beverages for approved events only in accordance with the university expenditure policies, 包括政策 55.003 以及它所引用的政策.

    4. University funds allocated to 注册校园团体 may not be used to purchase alcoholic beverages. 通过一个组织的自愿会费筹集的资金, donations, or fund-raising may be used to purchase alcoholic beverages if the purchase and use of those beverages is in accordance with this policy and state and local laws.

    5. 一个部门, 注册校园组织, or approved user sponsoring an event at which alcoholic beverages will be used or sold must submit an application to sell or use alcoholic beverages to the Ohio university chief of police and to the executive director of Baker university center, (“董事”). 是否使用或出售含酒精饮料, 申请应在有关活动前不迟于30天提交.

      1. 提交给导演之前, all applications must be approved and signed by the university official responsible for supervising the facility or outside area in which the event will be held.

      2. An application submitted by a university department must be approved and signed by the department’s planning unit head prior to submission to the director.

      3. An application submitted by a 注册校园组织 must be approved and signed by the organization’s university advisor prior to submission to the director.

      4. The application must identify an individual affiliated with the applicant who will be responsible for supervising the event and ensuring compliance with this policy and any relevant state and local laws. 该个人必须出席活动,并且在此期间不得饮用酒精饮料.

      5. Applicants for events that involve the sale of alcoholic beverages must comply with paragraph (B) of this rule.

      6. An event at which alcoholic beverages will be used or sold may not be held unless written approval of the application to sell or use alcoholic beverages is granted by the director.

  2. 销售酒精饮料的许可证

    1. 参加活动的人是否会直接或间接为所提供的酒精饮料付费, 必须获得俄亥俄州商务部的许可, 酒类管制科.

    2. Information about 酒类管制科 requirements for permits as well as the necessary applications forms can be obtained from the director.

    3. 部门, 注册校园团体, and approved users sponsoring events at which alcoholic beverages will be sold are responsible for submitting the necessary application forms to the 酒类管制科 and for paying the required fees. Division of liquor control applications must include the signatures of the director and the chief of the Ohio university police department.

    4. 在贝克大学中心举行的活动中出售酒精饮料, 坦普尔顿-布莱克本纪念礼堂, 希夫利食堂, 沃尔特•霍尔, and Nelson commons must be conducted under the 酒类管制科 permits held by the university.

    5. The sale of alcoholic beverages at events held in Peden stadium and the convocation center must be conducted under the 酒类管制科 permits held by the university or by a contracted third-party concessions vendor.

  3. 大学的宿舍

    1. Any individual who is legally permitted to consume alcoholic beverages may do so responsibly in the privacy of his or her own room or the room of another person of legal age.

    2. 休息室内不允许饮用酒精饮料, mods, 以及宿舍的公共区域.

  4. 兄弟会或姐妹会宿舍

    1. Any individual who is legally permitted to consume alcoholic beverages may do so responsibly in the privacy of his or her own room within a fraternity or sorority chapter facility or in the room of another person who is at least twenty-one years of age.

    2. Use of alcoholic beverages is not permitted in the common areas of the fraternity or sorority chapter facilities or on the property of fraternity or sorority chapter facilities.

  5. 与俄亥俄州田径和体育赛事有关的酒精饮料

    1. Any sale or use of alcoholic beverages related to "tailgating" activities will be allowed only in designated areas. This area must be limited and maintained while alcoholic beverages are being served; this includes controlled access and proper signage in and outside of the controlled area.

    2. This activity will be conducted under the auspices of a F or F2 permit issued to the university for this purpose.

  6. 违反

    1. University employees who violate this policy or state or local laws governing alcoholic beverage sale or consumption are subject to discipline.

    2. Students or student organizations that violate this policy or state or local laws governing alcoholic beverages sale or consumption may be referred to the office of community standards and student responsibility.



  1. 负责学生事务的副校长

  2. 教务长

  3. 住房和居住生活主任

  4. 社区标准和学生责任主任

  5. newbb电子平台警察局长

  6. 学生参议院

  7. 研究生院

  8. 活动服务执行总监

  9. 教师参议院

  10. 行政参议院