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Community engagement must start with an informed and prepared approach to ensure success and mutual benefit to those involved. Real change happens at the pace of relationships, and community engagement is no different. 在这里,您将找到入门的资源. Let us know if you’re seeking a resource not yet listed here, and we’ll do what we can to assist you.


Getting Started for Students, 工作人员, & 教师

  • Community Engagement & Social Justice at Ohio University - This short online module focuses on on best practices for impactful and ethical community engagement at Ohio University. It is designed for 学生, student organization leaders, 以及有兴趣的教职员工 协调服务学习或志愿者项目, fundraisers, 以及其他社区服务的机会
  • Civic Engagement & Voting: Why it Matters & How to Do it这个简短的在线模块是公民参与的介绍,重点是:
    • 为什么参加选举很重要
    • How to register to vote
    • 参与公民对话的重要性和方式
    • 以及如何行使公民的权利和责任

Community-Engaged Scholars Program

The Community Engaged Scholars program, occurring each Fall Semester, provides 俄亥俄州 教师 and 工作人员 with professional development training on community engagement as a high-impact practice of experiential learning. It is highly recommended that 教师 interested in developing C-Courses enroll in this program.

Participants in the program will: 

  • Learn how community-engaged service-learning can be incorporated into a course curriculum
  • 设计c级课程的课程活动和教学大纲
  • Engage with community partners and experienced 教师 to learn best practices for community engagement locally and globally.
  • 通过参与互动工作坊, rich discussions, and col实验室orations with experts, Community Engaged Scholars will develop capacity for community-engaged teaching with transformative curriculum and expertise in community-engaged scholarly activity that strengthens our democracy and contribute to the public good. 

感兴趣? 填写 the Fall 2024 registration form here!

Please contact 教师 Fellow Dr. Mike Kopish at kopish@俄亥俄州.edu for more information.


The Center for Campus & Community Engagement at Ohio University aims to support professional development and other capacity-building initiatives for community partners and contribute to vibrant Southeast Ohio communities. We are excited to partner with Nonprofits LEAD at Marietta College to work towards a vision where every nonprofit has the tools, 资源, 知识, 以及他们需要的支持来满足他们社区的需求.

To this end, the Center for Campus & Community Engagement has dedicated scholarship funding to sponsor community organizations wishing to participate in Nonprofits LEAD programs or utilize their services.

If you identify as a nonprofit organization serving an Ohio University campus community (雅典, 贝尔蒙特, 费尔菲尔德, 劳伦斯, Muskingum, or Ross county) you are eligible for scholarships to cover Nonprofits LEAD workshops and events. 在注册获得奖学金之前联系Amy Elliot: 740.376.4559 or amy@nonprofitslead.org

Community-Engaged Research

Community-engaged Research is a process where research is conducted with the community to ensure mutually beneficial outcomes.  在整个研究过程中,研究团队的成员都是平等的合作伙伴. This is different than community-focused research where research is done on or in the community.   

作为大学社区参与倡议的一部分, 我们现在有四个新的关于社区参与研究的花旗模块. 这个免费的培训是提供给所有newbb电子平台附属的研究人员, including 教师, 工作人员, 学生和合作者,如社区伙伴. It is strongly recommended to have all partners complete this training prior to beginning research.   


Tools and Templates

下面你会发现自我指导和适应性强的资源 教师 and 工作人员, 学生, 以及社区成员来帮助你发展, 维持, and demonstrate the impact of equitable and mutual beneficial campus-community partnerships. A collection of templates, 指导, and activities are included that vary in relevancy and appropriateness for each audience, 但可以适应各种各样的伙伴关系, including community-engaged research, service-learning experiences, or special projects. 

Looking for something that isn't here? 联系 the Center for Campus & 社区参与,我们将尽我们所能帮助你.

Navigating Campus


去某个地方,或者让社区伙伴来校园? We can help with that!

General Transportation Services Guidelines and Instructions for University employees: 

  1. Go to the main 交通及停车服务网站  
  2. Scroll to the bottom, and click on Fleet Rentals  
  3. 登录 
  4. 这是和你俄亥俄州身份证分开的账户, so if you haven’t made an account, 转到菜单的左下角,点击Sign Up Now!
  5. 填好表格,你就会收到一封确认邮件. 然后,使用新的登录信息.
  6. 选择车辆:每天使用一辆12人座的面包车是55美元加0美元.55 per mile for gas.  
  7. 所有车辆的驾驶员必须持有有效的驾驶执照. 

如果大学部门缺乏资金来支付这笔费用, 可以联系CCCE申请拨款.

访问or 停车 Options

你有社区伙伴来你的校园吗? 一定要提供停车协助,使他们的访问轻松愉快. 如果大学部门缺乏资金来支付这笔费用, 可以联系CCCE申请拨款. 

Daily 访问or Permit Request Form 

Coupon Code Request Form 

雅典 Campus and 停车 Map


Meeting/Event Space and Services

Remote Meetings

To increase the ease of accessibility and connection to community partners near and far from campus, a University partner can 使用微软团队建立一个虚拟会议 or Zoom if preferred.

For those on 俄亥俄州 Campuses, the Ohio University Learning Network (OULN) offers network of dedicated videoconferencing classrooms on the 雅典 campus, regional campuses, 以及支持高质量的区域中心, 实时, 参与者在多个地点之间的同时互动. OULN房间可以由任何俄亥俄员工或当前学生安排. OIT hosts a list of videoconferencing classrooms on their website.

University Event Space

事件空间由事件服务管理. University 工作人员 and 教师 may reserve event spaces at the internal University rates for community engagement-related events. 有关地点,价格和可用性的更多信息,请访问 Event Services website. 

Regional Facilities Rental

For information about renting spaces on regional campuses, please follow the links below:

Live Web Streaming

For any events on campus, live web stream can be avai实验室le to broaden access to a wider audience. 大学教职员工负责做出这些安排. newbb电子平台使用YouTube进行网络流媒体. 网络流媒体的收费标准是100美元.在上午8点至下午5点之间进行网络流媒体,每小时收费00美元.  在上午8点之前或下午5点之后,费用为125美元.00 /小时. The fee is for the time of the event, 安装和拆卸设备的时间不收费.   

最好在活动前30天通知.  When scheduling a room for an event that you would like to be web streamed please schedule at least 1 hour for equipment setup and testing prior to the start of the event.  This time will not be charged.  The fee would be for one camera coverage. 

有关实时流媒体和存档选项的更多信息,请联系 Kevin Price, WOUB Education and Media Supervisor.

Glossary and Best Practices

分解我们在校园和社区参与方面使用的词汇, and stay informed on best practices.


社区 订婚 高等教育机构之间的合作 & their larger communities (local, state/regional, 国家, global) for the mutually beneficial exchange of 知识 and 资源 in a context of partnership and reciprocity. (卡内基教学促进基金会) 



Chart detailing engagement spectrum


ASSET-BASED 社区 DEVELOPMENT A framework grounded in the human, 社会, and physical capital that exists within our local communities and the Appalachian region that approaches challenges through appreciative inquiry and by working with stakeholders to develop holistic, 维持able solutions in our communities.



  • 有共同之处的或大或小的社会单位  
  • 可能是基于地理、文化、宗教或身份  
  • 可能在不同的研究领域有不同的和重要的影响 


社区-ENGAGED RESEARCH A research process where research is conducted WITH the community instead of ON or IN the community.  在整个研究过程中,研究团队的成员都是平等的合作伙伴.  


EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING is an approach to education that emphasizes engaged student learning through direct experience and reflection to increase 知识, develop 技能, and elucidate values. Experiential learning activities are intentionally designed to develop 学生’ 知识, 技能, 以及通过与某个领域相关的经验而产生的态度. 体验式学习可以在课程设置和课外设置中进行. 

体验式学习的环境可能包括(但不限于)实习, apprenticeships, clinical experience, fellowships, cooperatives, 现场工作, 一些实习课程, community engagement (service-learning, community-based research, volunteering), interactive simulations, role-playing, performance, 专业实习/学生教学, study abroad / cultural immersion, research (basic, newbb电子, 实验室, 行业, 社区), live case studies, job training, place-based education, and student organization leadership.


CCCE recommends “horizontal” relationships between the Ohio University and external community organizations. 这意味着在互动的所有阶段都是平等的伙伴关系. 更多的细节将在下面的章节中给出. 在理论上, 然而, this should be rethinking the basic idea that the University is “better” than any community organization and that the interaction between the entities results in a one-way gift to the community. 这可能是简单的捐赠物品或服务的情况, but in project-based interactions, the community organization should be seen as a partner with attributes that are essential and valuable to a successful project outcome. 解决方案, methods and dissemination in and of any project should be a result of healthy and equal col实验室oration. Furthermore, an organization often has clients whom they interact with in the community. A relationship developed with the organization does not necessarily extend to these individuals. Interactions between the University and members of the community should also be thought of as horizontal. 


Additional 资源

Alden 图书馆 Resource Page

Access our Community Engagement resource guide 主要组织和学术文章的大学图书馆.

CCCE Lending 图书馆

感兴趣 in additional reading? 到我们办公室来看看我们的书架吧. Our collection is accessible to 学生, 工作人员, 教师, 以及希望借书的社区伙伴.