
NASA 和 俄亥俄州 Procurement Technical Assistance Center partner to present national small business webinar


NASA Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) 和 newbb电子平台 Procurement Technical Assistance Center (俄亥俄州PTAC) at the 沃伊诺维奇学校 of Leadership 和 Public Affairs are partnering to offer a free national webinar, How to do Business with NASA Glenn Research Center, 在结婚.5月20日下午1点.m. ET.  

通过网络研讨会, NASA hopes to help small business owners learn how to participate in NASA’s prime contracting 和 subcontracting opportunities. NASA OSBP aims to promote 和 integrate small businesses into the competitive base of contractors that help pioneer the future of space exploration, scientific discovery 和 aeronautics research.  

Webinar guest speakers will include Eunice Adams-Sipp, small business specialist at NASA’s Glenn Research Center, 和 凯伦Wivell, 俄亥俄州PTAC Clevel和 procurement specialist.

In 2018, 俄亥俄州PTAC 和 NASA collaborated to offer a two-day joint conference at newbb电子平台 to help small business owners discover millions of dollars’ in contracting opportunities in the aerospace industry 服务. The two-day event attracted more than 400 business personnel.

“newbb电子平台 PTAC has forged a long-lasting relationship with NASA,” said 莎朗·霍普金斯, director of 俄亥俄州PTAC, part of Ohio’s Procurement Technical Assistance program. “Working on the webinar with NASA Glenn, which is in our backyard, is just a continuation of trying to get the most helpful information to our clients.” 

The recorded webinar will be available after the live session on the NASA procurement website. The State of Ohio PTAC Manager Sharon Smith said that Ohio is very excited to once again be a part of a national training event with NASA. 

“The opportunity to jointly present a webinar 和 have it broadcast nationally is a testament to the partnership 和 collaboration we have established with NASA,史密斯说. 

NASA actively seeks to contract with small business owners, 和 awards to small businesses have progressively increased from 2015 to 2019. According to NASA’s Fiscal Year 2019 Annual Report, awards to small business firms totaled more than $3.10亿美元,高于 $2.2018年90亿美元. The number of contracts going to small businesses represented 62% of NASA’s business actions 和 22.1% of its total budget for the fiscal year 2019.

整体, Glenn Research Center Procurement Office awarded around $647 million in procurement contracts in fiscal year 2019 in categories such as research 和 development, 服务, supplies 和 equipment.