

Dr. 威廉·罗森伯格和学生们在切萨皮克湾


从5月中旬到8月初,学生们加入 Dr. 威廉Roosenburg 在马里兰州研究菱形龟的种群动态. 学生们用陷阱捕捉海龟, 定位海龟巢, and learn state of the art demographic data collection techniques. 的 field site is a large scale ecological restoration site where students also will learn and witness practical aspects of ecosystem restoration. 学生还学习小船操作和航海技术, 水下电视处理, 以及各种渔业生物网和诱捕技术. Most students are hired through PACE or other inhouse funding sources and room and board is provided during the summer.





具有生态学方面的实验室经验和实地工作机会, 神经科学, 微生物学, 遗传学, 病原体, paleontology and much more are available to biology students at 俄亥俄州. 有些体验是在传统的实验室里进行的, 但对许多俄亥俄的教师来说, 他们的“实验室”可能需要在森林或溪流中进行实地考察.

Involvement in a research laboratory is one of several options that allow students to enhance their college experience. Laboratory experience is highly valuable for those interested in attending professional or medical school. 研究 experience is essential for those planning to go to 研究生 school.



  • 确定你感兴趣的研究领域.
  • Match your research interest with a 教师 member's at newbb电子平台 by reading over research summaries of 教师 who involve under研究生s in their research.
  • Learn more about their research projects by visiting their web pages and reading their publications.
  • Email and visit the professor of your choice and discuss the possibility of working in his or her laboratory.

有本科生研究机会的学院名单 是否允许学生从步骤1-3开始. 职位数量有限, so professors will need to evaluate students' true interest and motivation. (Thus, be sure you are interested and informed before contacting a professor.)


生物科学专业,3级以上.0 GPA可以注册 BIOS 4940本科生研究. Students who complete a research project may choose to write up that research as a Tier III thesis in BIOS 4941. 也看到 生物科学系荣誉.

BIOS 4940本科生研究

先决条件:14个学分的BIOS, 3.BIOS平均绩点0分,获得学院研究导师许可. When a professor in the Biological or Biomedical Sciences department has agreed to have a student do research in their lab, they may enroll the student in this credit/no credit course for 1-3 credit hours per semester, 最多8个学分. Note that each credit represents 3 to 4 hours of work per week for the entire semester.

BIOS 4941高级研究与论文(三级)

先决条件:3学分的BIOS 4940,3.BIOS平均绩点0分,获得学院研究导师许可 and permission of Tier III course instructor. 已经完成研究项目的学生可以选择, 他们的研究导师同意了, 把他们的研究写成论文. Students must also present their research as a poster or in a talk. 本课程为3学时,并按学分计分. Students should contact the course instructor no later than the beginning of their senior year if they plan to write a senior thesis.


的特殊学习社区 俄亥俄州生态和进化研究中心 教师, 博士后, 来访的教授, and 研究生 students provides the opportunity to engage Ecology and Evolutionary 生物学 under研究生s in scientific inquiry-based learning and research. 的 UGRIP plan is open to all under研究生 majors related to ecology and evolutionary biology on a competitive basis. It consists of two components (a seminar series and form research courses) designed to engage students during freshman through senior years with research engagement and a formal research course experience in the junior/senior years. 的 philosophy is to invoke research experience early and in parallel with their core major requirements, 然后像高年级一样增加正式的研究经验. UGRIP 研究生s have formal research experience that serves to increase their competitiveness for future employment/ academic opportunities.


的re are several paid positions and fellowships available from different sources.

教务长本科生研究基金 (PURF)奖励高达1美元,500美元奖励进行原创研究项目的学生, 创意项目, 还有学术工作. 资金包括旅行等项目的费用, 供应, and materials that are necessary in order to conduct the research. All requests for funding must be justified in terms of their contribution to the research and the lack of available funds from other sources. 申请截止日期为初秋学期.

约翰J. Kopchick奖 funding under研究生 students working with Molecular and Cellular 生物学 or Translational Biomedical Sciences 教师 and conducting translational medical research and scholarly activities.

学生进修奖 are sponsored by the newbb电子平台 Council for 研究, Scholarship and Creative Activity. 这个项目帮助本科生, 研究生, 医科学生, 在教师导师的指导下, by providing funds for research and presentation of their research at professional conferences. 的 awards are based on competitive research proposals and provide funding ($6,(最高可达1万元),最长可达一年. 申请截止日期为早春学期.

帮助职业探索的项目 (PACE) positions are administered through the newbb电子平台 金融援助 office and are intended to provide paid employment in jobs that will enhance career exploration. Students must be financially qualified to apply for PACE positions. A listing of PACE positions becomes available to students accepted into the program in spring semester for the following year.

维诺维奇本科研究学者 program encourages under研究生 research and supports research efforts of George V. Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service 教师 and professional staff. Honors Tutorial College and 部门的荣誉 students participate in basic and applied research under this program. 学者职位是在竞争的基础上授予的. Opportunities include working with Voinovich 教师 研究 Groups, Institute for Local Government Administration and Rural Development, 阿巴拉契亚地区创业倡议, 环境研究系, 全国企业孵化协会.


联系 the pre-health advisor for off-campus research opportunities and information on shadowing and other health-related volunteer experiences.