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Audio and Video 资源

Zambian landscape

Video 资源

African Literature Association (ALA) Series 

ALA Lecture Series 2020-2021: Francis B. Nyamnjoh

ALA LECTRUE SERIES 2020-2021: African Literary Studies in Crisis?

ALA LECTURE SERIES 2020-2021: Why Wasn’t My Article Published? A Roundtable

Mahmoud Mohamed Taha: A Life

Dr. Abdullahi An-Nai'm - A lecture about Progressive Islam

An Interview with 夫人. Asma Mahmoud Mohamed Taha

An Interview with Dr. Abdullahi An-Nai'm about Progressive Islam

Field Research in Nigeria - Dr. Steve Howard

African Culture through Art - in Ghana

African Dance - Fanqa Alafia

African Dance - Ethiopian

Former President of Botswana Festus Mogae visits Ohio University

Modou Dieng, a contemporary Senegalese artist

The World's Newest Country - Dr. Jok Madut Jok

Africa on the World Football Stage - By: Dr. Gerard Akindes

Women in Leadership Challenges - Ms. Gaone Masire

Interview Guest Artist with Abdul Rahaman Mohammed

Discussion Fourm in response to Ayaan Hirsi Ali's talk at the Baker Peace Conference

Dr. Peter Winch: Keynote Address for the African Health Summit, April 2010

Dr. Steve Howard's opening statement at "Including Children Conference"

Ghirmai Negash in Goree, Senegal

What's working for Kids in Africa

The Politics of the Bornu Youth Movement - Dr. Usman Ladan

African Studies Yearbook - 2009 - Video

Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies - Darwin Lecture - Dr. Catherine Badgley

Women without Restrictions: Sudanese women fight against FGM

The African Hero Night - February 2010

Sudan "A Sudan a Pregnant Womans Grave is Open..." Dr. Jane Broecker

Somalia Then and Now Challenges and Opportunities for Peace: Dr. Abdinur Mohamud

Audio resources

俄亥俄州 Global Report- Episode 1 featuring Dr. Francis Nyamnjoh [MP3]

Uploading Africa - A radio Interview [MP3]

Dr. Abdullahi An-Nai'm - an interview about Progressive Islam [MP3]

夫人. Asma Taha an interview about the legacy of her father Mahmoud Mohamed Taha [MP3]