
The 多元文化中心 offers merit-based and need-based scholarship opportunities to incoming first-year students.  除了奖学金资助, these programs provide students with resources to support their success at newbb电子平台. Eligible students who apply to the university by the November 15 early action deadline will receive a separate invitation to apply for these selective scholarship programs.





In 1828, John Newton Templeton became 俄亥俄州’s first African American graduate—and the fourth nationwide. 1835年因教其他非裔美国人读书写字而被捕, 他坚持不懈,成为一名教师和校长. 本着他的贡献精神, the Templeton Scholarship is awarded to incoming first-year students who share Templeton's commitment to building inclusive relationships, 社区宣传, 和毅力.



通过基于群体的体验, 邓普顿学者计划招收有抱负的学生领袖,他们:

  • Demonstrate the potential to build relationships that value the breadth of diversity of our community (building inclusive relationships)
  • Demonstrate the potential to address issues that impact the success of their communities (社区宣传)
  • 认识到生活中的障碍, 困难, and setbacks should not deter our commitment to being successful (perseverance).

我们希望, 比如约翰·牛顿·邓普顿, our scholars go on to become leaders of 社会 change in their communities. We prepare scholars for their future by providing resources and opportunities that are designed to foster academic, 社会, 职业生涯, 个人的成功. 这些资源和机会包括:

  • 领导力发展课程 – Templeton Scholars typically chose to enroll in 俄亥俄州’s Intercultural 领导力发展课程 in their first semester. This 1 credit hour course is designed to help scholars increase leadership skills, with a focus on understanding how leaders effectively leverage cultural and 社会 differences to positively impact group dynamics and outcomes.
  • 同伴指导 – Templeton Scholars are connected to an upper-class mentor who serve as a bridge to the campus community. 导师帮助新生顺利过渡到大学 by 将他们与学生组织联系起来, 社会的机会, 支持人员, 以及学术资源.
  • 教师指导 – Templeton Scholars also receive mentorship from a university faculty member. 教师 mentors help students explore their academic interests and connect to academic opportunities that intersect with their passions.
  • 学术指导 -通过俄亥俄州的多元文化中心, Templeton scholars are offered opportunities for academic coaching and skill building. Scholars are encouraged to develop an ongoing coaching relationship with our academic 支持人员. Our staff work closely with the advising offices across the university to support the success of our scholars.
  • 职业生涯 & 专业发展 – The Templeton Scholars Program hosts a variety of events and opportunities that prepare students for successful job searches and 职业生涯 outcomes. Students are encouraged to explore how to integrate their passions with their 职业生涯 goals. 活动的例子包括与潜在雇主建立联系, 模拟工作面试, 职业生涯面板, LinkedIn研讨会, 和更多的.
  • 社区影响计划 – Templeton Scholars work collaboratively on an experiential learning project that addresses a community need or issue. Based on their own interests and passion areas, scholars are given the support to:
    • 探索一个社区问题
    • 开发解决问题的项目思路
    • 向可能受到影响的社区提出他们的项目建议
    • 与社区合作实施项目
    • 评估和报告项目的影响
  • Automatic inclusion in the 俄亥俄州 Honors Program and access to University honors housing options.
  • A merit-based scholarship covering in-state tuition and mandatory fees, room, and board, 续期为四个学年.



阿巴拉契亚学者和城市学者项目 are merit- and need-based scholarship programs for incoming first-year students who reside in one of Ohio’s Appalachian counties or graduated from an urban school district in Ohio. The programs provide scholarship support to students with demonstrated financial need and academic achievement. 要符合资格,学生必须至少有3个.累积绩点(最高加权或未加权,重新计算为4.0规模), apply to the university by the November 15 early action deadline and complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by the first-priority date of at least April 15.


  • 每年获得30个学分,秋季学期和春季学期各15个学分.
  • 保持2.每学年结束时达到5个累积GPA
  • 查看所有续订要求


通过俄亥俄州联系计划, the Appalachian Scholars and Urban Scholars Programs operate together to offer a cohort-based experience that supports scholarship recipients’ transition to college and their academic, 个人和社会成功. 这些机会包括:


Appalachian Scholars and Urban scholars enroll together in a 1-credit course during their first year. This course is centered on student participation inside and outside the classroom and offers a discussion-based seminar and a customized path to academic enrichment, 领导、规划和专业发展.


Appalachian Scholars and Urban Scholars are connected to upperclass mentors who serve as a bridge to the campus community. 导师帮助新生顺利过渡到大学, 将他们与学生组织联系起来, 社会的机会, 支持员工和学术资源.


通过我们的多元文化中心, Appalachian Scholars and Urban Scholars are offered opportunities for academic coaching and skill building. Scholars are encouraged to develop an ongoing coaching relationship with our academic 支持人员. Our academic 支持人员 work closely with the advising offices across the University to support the success of our scholars.

职业生涯 & 专业发展

The LINKS program hosts a variety of events and opportunities that prepare students for successful job searches and 职业生涯 outcomes. 活动的例子包括与潜在雇主建立联系, 模拟工作面试, 职业生涯面板, LinkedIn研讨会等.


Appalachian Scholars and Urban Scholars are encouraged to engage in community service and engagement opportunities. These opportunities allow students to explore and address issues that impact Appalachian and Urban communities.