47.002: Rental of Motor Pool Vehicles




March 7, 2008

Initiated by:

Kim Wortman | Director of Campus Services

Endorsed by:

Kathy Krendl | Executive Vice President and Provost

Approved by:

Roderick J. McDavis | President

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. Overview

    This policy provides for the rental of vehicles, including buses, from transportation services' motor pool.

    所有学校车辆仅用于学校的官方事务, 并且必须按照政策规定进行操作 47.001.

  2. Motor pool vehicle rentals

    The motor pool has passenger cars, vans, a station wagon, 还有一辆小货车,可以租给各院系处理学校的公务.

    1. Reservations

      To reserve a vehicle, use the "Online Motor Pool Requests表格(或致电593-1611联络运输服务),并提供以下资料:

      1. Type of vehicle desired

      2. Intended use and destination

      3. Date and time of departure

      4. Date and time of return

      5. Department name

      6. Department account number

      7. 负责车辆的持牌司机姓名

      大学的车辆通常不能开到哥伦布或帕克斯堡机场,并在一周内停在那里, 但周末(周五至周一)也有可能。, if enough vehicles are available.

    2. Rates

      租金会根据汽油价格而有所变动, purchase costs of vehicles, etc. 当前汇率信息会自动显示在Online Motor Pool Requests表格(或致电593-1611联络运输服务).

      如果车辆被保留但未使用,则会评估每日租金, 预订车辆的个人或部门在规定的出发时间前至少24小时未取消预订. 在需求高峰期,运输服务可能会使取消航班的准备时间延长, 比如预定在春假期间使用.

    3. Pick up and return of vehicles

      学校车库(汽车调配场)从早上7点开始开放.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Vehicles not being used for out-of-town trips must be returned to the university garage each night; however, vehicles returning from out-of-town after 5:00 p.m. 可以把车停在司机的住处过夜然后还回来吗 before 7:00 a.m. the next morning. 用于早上7点前出发的城外旅行的车辆.m. may be picked up before4:30 p.m. 前一天,把车停在司机住处过夜.

      Failure to pick up the vehicle before 4:30 p.m. 意思是车子要到早上7点才能开.m. on the next scheduled work day.

      1. When a vehicle is picked up, information regarding keys, 汽油信用卡和旅行票将发给负责车辆安全的司机, keys, and credit card. 司机还负责完成和退还所有行程票.

      2. When the vehicle is picked up, 司机也会得到指示,以便在发生事故或机械故障时遵循. 大学车辆的司机有责任在他或她保管车辆期间妥善照顾车辆. 因事故或其他原因造成的车辆损坏或损失将被评估为实际费用,最高可达1000美元, 除非有明确的证据证明由已确定的第三方负责,并可从中获得赔偿. 事故应按照规定报告 47.001. 在某种程度上,车辆的损害是由第三方赔偿的, 净收益的一定比例将记入租赁部门的评估费用.

  3. Bus reservations

    学校有三辆公共汽车用于学校的官方事务,可以由大学部门包租. The buses carry up to fifty-five passengers. 所有的巴士都是由大学巴士司机驾驶的,无论是短途旅行还是长途旅行.

    1. Reservations

      有关巴士预订的信息可在网上从 http://english.digital4me.net/transportation/charter-bus.cfm (or contact transportation services at 593-1611).

      1. 提出请求的人将被要求提供有关目的地的信息, time of departure, time of return, number of passengers, sponsoring department, purpose of trip, account number, and responsible official.

      2. Upon receipt of the bus reservation form, an estimate of expenses will be provided, if requested; and the bus will be reserved for the dates indicated, if available.

    2. Rates

      Current rate information, including penalties for late cancellation, 可以在593-1611的交通服务处预订吗.

    3. Additional bus use provisions

      1. 预订公共汽车的部门必须指定一个人在乘客上车时对他们负责.

      2. Horseplay, smoking, and alcoholic beverages are not permitted on the bus; the individual identified by the sponsoring department is responsible for ensuring compliance with these requirements, because the driver must concentrate on driving.

      3. 赞助部门负责旅客在旅行过程中可能造成的一切损害.

      4. Occasionally, 天气条件或其他因素可能会导致巴士司机确定继续行驶可能会危及乘客或巴士的安全. If this determination is made by the driver, 在司机确定条件得到充分改善之前,巴士不得继续行驶.

      5. Due to federal DOT regulations, 司机每开车8小时必须休息30分钟,一天开车时间不得超过10小时. 在规划行程时,请注意这些规则. 你的行程是否需要超过这些限制, 必须提前安排运输服务,以提供额外的司机. Additional charges may result. 交通服务将很乐意协助部门提前行程计划,以确定和解决这些问题.



  1. Director of Transportation and Parking Services

  2. Planning Unit heads