
沃伊诺维奇学院 即将到来的培训


沃伊诺维奇学院 for Excellence in Public Service

Governing Essentials for Local Elected Officials: The Basic Course

Designed for newly elected officials (or experienced officials seeking a refresher), this six workshop series will promote a high-level understanding of topics essential to effective elected service at the municipal, 乡, 县级.

The curriculum is delivered by both seasoned practitioners and academic experts and is organized to fit the demanding schedules of participants. All sessions include practical information you will use immediately, plus opportunities to network and collaborate with peers. 

"There is so much information to learn that I feel this course is appropriate for anyone in public service- not just newbies. There is something to be said about always being a "student" of your craft."



  • 治理
  • 经济发展-基本原理
  • Infrastructure Public Works, Planning and Development
  • 经济发展-实地考察 
  • 预算及财务
  • Safety and Communications/ Current Trends in Local Government

For questions or to be added to the mailing list for upcoming workshops, please email GVAcademy@俄亥俄州.edu

领先的 in Appalachia 2024: Community Engagement

This is the 5th year of 领先的 in Appalachia, a leadership development program for those living and working in Appalachian Ohio. 

This year's program will be offered entirely in-person! 

  • Learn skills to develop as a leader within your community and/or organization.
  • Become part of a network of other new and emerging leaders in Appalachian Ohio.
  • Engage with your cohort and community leaders through regular participation in a project to support the 黑钻石的小城市 and its annual Little Cities Day in 10月.
    的更多信息 黑钻石的小城市.

Workshops will be held on Wednesdays, with the exception of 10月. Workshops will be held on the newbb电子平台 campus in 雅典 unless otherwise noted below.

3月20日 -开幕静修,9-3
--at Stuart's Opera House in Nelsonville
4月17日 —资产映射,9 ~ 12
5月15日 -有效沟通,9-12
6月19日 - It's a Great Idea, how do we pay for it?, 9-12
7月17日 创伤知情领导,9-12
8月21日 - An Insider's Guide to Non-profits, 9-12
9月18日 -阿巴拉契亚身份,9-12
10月 - Little Cities Day (Date and Place TBD)
11月20日 - Closing Retreat (location TBD), 9-12

Participants are asked to commit to all nine workshops.
There is no charge for participants from Appalachian Ohio.

Registration has closed for the 2024 program.

For more information contact Sarah Mitchell, mitches1@俄亥俄州.edu

领先的 Complex Collaborations: 战略做 Practitioner Training

战略做 enables leaders to design and guide new networks that generate innovative solutions. It is a strategy discipline that is lean, 敏捷, 而且速度很快——这就是什么组织, 社区, and the Appalachian region need to survive and thrive.

战略做 practitioner training helps you move from talking about a problem to action. 两天后,你就知道了

  • Learn key concepts of 战略做.
  • Learn and apply the 10 skills that comprise 战略做.
  • Engage in a workshop simulation to experience the 战略做.

Practitioner training will help you develop skills to lead complex collaborations and to innovate in open, loosely connected networks in which "no one can tell everyone else what do to."

At the end of practitioner training, you are recognized as a 战略做 Practitioner and are ready to use the 战略做 process to facilitate a project or activity with a team, 集团, 或联合.

"Every element of the discipline is important, but understanding the practical relationship between assets, networks and individual accountability has delivered most 'Aha' moments."

Darryl Graves, 战略做 practitioner

了解更多关于 战略做.

Registration has closed for the June 2024 program.

For more information about 战略做, please contact GVAcademy@俄亥俄州.edu.

  • PODCAST: John Born talks about the importance of communication in a crisis

  • PODCAST: Jazzed 关于 Work: Becoming a Leader with 杰伊•约翰逊
